Two Dimensions Preparatory Academy

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Admissions » Admission Policies

Admission Policies

Admission and enrollment of students shall be open to persons who reside within the geographic boundaries stated in the open-enrollment charter of each Academy campus, and who are eligible for admission based on lawful criteria identified in the charter and in law. Specifically, the Academy serves students residing within the boundaries of the following school districts:

  • Aldine ISD
  • Corsicana ISD
  • Cypress Fairbanks (Cy-Fair) ISD
  • Houston ISD
  • Klein ISD
  • Spring ISD


The Academy does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex; national origin; ethnicity; religion; disability; academic, artistic, or athletic ability; or the district the child would otherwise attend under state law, when making admissions decisions.

Children who are at least three years of age by September 1st are eligible to enroll (and meet qualifications) in the Academy’s preschool program. All preschool students must be fully potty trained prior to enrollment. Preschool students who are not fully potty trained prior to enrollment will be withdrawn from the school roster. Preschool students are not permitted to bring or use sipping cups or wear pull-ups/diapers.


Exception to Admission

As authorized by Texas Education Code § 12.111(6), students with a documented history of a criminal offense, a juvenile court adjudication, or discipline problems under Texas Education Code, Subchapter A, Chapter 37 will be excluded from enrollment in the school.

Excepción de Admisión

Según lo autorizado por el Código de Educación de Texas n.o 12.111(6), los estudiantes con antecedentes documentados de un delito penal, una sentencia de la corte de menores o problemas disciplinarios bajo el Código de Educación de Texas, Subcapítulo A, Capítulo 37 serán excluidos de la inscripción en la escuela.